The Art of Business English

The Art of Business English by Andrew Ambrosius

Andrew Ambrosius

Andrew Ambrosius invites you to The Art of Business English (AOBE). The premier podcast for those who wish to improve their business English skills and confidence. Listen in as Andrew provides useful strategies and lessons for learners. Immerse yourself in weekly episodes, with tips, vocabulary, expressions and coaching. These compelling lessons reveal how anyone can learn, improve and go through the often daunting task of learning a second language. Get inspired as Andrew shares stories and shows us all that anyone with the desire and focus can work with international clients of all levels. Andrew inspires and empowers his listeners to gain the confidence to improve their English language skills. Learn to overcome your fears and self-doubt. This inspirational and uplifting show also gives listeners the opportunity to learn with our guests, as Andrew offers interesting tips and insight into how even the best can improve their business English skills. One of a kind and unique in every aspect. Welcome to The Art of Business English. Feel free to drop Andrew a comment or question at:

Categories: Education

Listen to the last episode:

Hey there, welcome back to the Art of Business English podcast. Your podcast to help you get the English language skills to excel in business. Today we will be looking at the art of writing.

Writing is a powerful tool that can make or break your communication efforts. Whether you're crafting a sales pitch, sending an email, or creating social media content, your words need to pack a punch. But how do you make sure that your message is impactful without overwhelming your audience with too much information? The answer lies in streamlining your writing. By cutting out unnecessary words and focusing on the essentials, you can create content that is both easy to read and impactful. In today’s episode we'll explore the art of saying more with less and share some tips on how to streamline your writing for maximum impact and readability. So, whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to learn how to make your words count.


You can check out the Effective Written Communication for Business course mentioned in the podcast by clicking this link:


Previous episodes

  • 234 - How to make your writing less wordy and clearer 
    Wed, 06 Mar 2024 - 0h
  • 233 - How to manage discussions when chairing a meeting 
    Thu, 18 Jan 2024 - 0h
  • 232 - 10 Go-To Expressions to Complain at Work Without Being Annoying 
    Mon, 04 Dec 2023 - 0h
  • 231 - Talk about achievement with these 20 Goal-Oriented Collocations 
    Mon, 06 Nov 2023 - 0h
  • 230 - 10 must know expressions for working in finance 
    Fri, 20 Oct 2023 - 0h
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